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Judge Steven G. Salant (ret.)

Providing Mediation and Arbitration Services by a Professional with 40+ years of legal experience.

Family Law

Divorce, Property Division, Monetary Award, Alimony, Child Custody (Legal & Physical), Access/Visitation, Relocation, Child Support, Contempt & Enforcement, Attorney Fees

Personal Injury

Negligent Driving/Traffic Accidents causing injury. Negligent construction, and professional negligence resulting in injury. Compensation for physical injury, loss of income, loss of marital services, pain, and suffering.

Business & Consumer Law

Breach of contract actions resulting in damages including but not limited to real estate, construction, leasing (landlord/tenant) and financial loans. Compensation for monetary loss, liquidated damages, lawful penalties, and consequential damages caused by breach of contract.

Other Civil Actions

Intentional torts causing injury to person or property such as assault, battery, false imprisonment, defamation, trespass to property, intentional infliction of emotional distress, trespass to land, trespass to chattels, and conversion.

About Steven G. Salant

Judge Salant has retired from the Montgomery County Circuit Court after 14 years deciding cases and facilitating settlements in all areas of the law including family, personal injury, commercial, consumer and other misc. civil actions. After graduation from Georgetown University Law Center in 1977, he was employed as an Assistant States Attorney in Chicago, Illinois until he returned to Maryland in 1981 to establish his private practice.

His general litigation practice focused on family law, personal injury and real estate. In 1995, the Montgomery County Circuit Court Judges chose Judge Salant for the Family Magistrate position hearing family law cases, making recommendations for resolution of the disputes and holding settlement conferences with the parties and counsel.  During that time, Judge Salant received certification for completion of basic mediation training with additional training for resolving domestic conflict.

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Retired Judge Steven G. Salant has over 40+ years of legal experience to provide clients with high quality mediation and arbitration services in Maryland and Washington, D.C.  Steven G. Salant has been employed in the legal profession since 1977 starting out as a prosecutor in Cook County, Illinois before returning to Maryland and opening his own law practice in 1981.

Prior to the start of his career, he graduated magna cum laude with a B.A. from the State University of New York at Albany in 1974 and then obtained a J.D. degree from Georgetown University Law Center in 1977. With his extensive background in various areas of the law both as an attorney and later as an Associate Judge for the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, Maryland, Judge Salant is prepared to help parties in all matters of civil, family and business cases.

Key Highlights

2008 – 2022 Associate Judge, Circuit Court for Montgomery County, Maryland.
1995 – 2008 Family Magistrate, Montgomery County Circuit Court
Faculty & Instructor, Judicial College, Family Law University for Judges & Magistrates – 15+ years
Georgetown University Law Center, J.D., 1977


The mediation process is completely voluntary. No one is forced to accept any offer of settlement.


The purpose of mediation is for the parties with their attorneys to reach an agreement to settle or resolve a pending legal dispute. After the parties and their attorneys agree to select Judge Salant as mediator, counsel will contact the Judge Salant to arrange the date, time, place and estimated duration of mediation which may be conducted virtually on-line if desired by the parties.

Before mediation takes place, Judge Salant will request from the attorneys, relevant documents and each party’s confidential information statement to understand each party’s position and the factual basis of the dispute.


During mediation, Judge Salant will meet with all parties and their attorneys to explain the process, then will engage each party and his/her attorney in a separate room to determine goals and how a settlement might be achieved. There may be multiple proposals for settlement between the parties, that Judge Salant, with authorization, shall convey and discuss with each party.

The mediation process may require one or more mediation sessions depending on the issues and the progress achieved. Even with multiple sessions and good faith efforts by all parties, mediation may be unsuccessful.


If an agreement for settlement can be reached, then the terms of settlement and each party’s agreement resolving the dispute shall be confirmed by a written “Term Sheet” signed by parties, their attorneys, and the mediator. In virtual on-line mediation, the terms and the parties’ agreement to those terms may be recorded for use in preparing a fully written settlement agreement. Court proceedings are minimized or completely avoided.

Contact Judge Steven G. Salant (ret.)

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